Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week 3

Week 3 Student Choice Assignment 2

1. Parables- A story told to veil a deeper gospel-related meaning using every day examples that is dependent upon the faith of the listener to uncover the true message or meaning behind it.

2. What describes the future growth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? - Parable of the mustard seed and of the leaven

    Why does the church send out so many missionaries? -Parable of the gospel net
    How do you explain the remarkable growth of the church, considering that it is fairly new compared to most world religions and started small in the American frontier? -Parables of the mustard seed and of the leaven
    Why are some members of the church willing to sacrifice so much worldly wealth and recognition in order to maintain membership in the church? -Parable of the treasure and of the pearl of great price

    Why do some church member choose to leave the church?  -Parable of the tares

3. It is easy to sit here and say I am willing to give everything for the church, and I am sure I would when the time comes. But if I was being honest I would also say that if that time ever does come, I know it will be much harder than it sounds. Two of my best friends choose to join the church in high school and both were kicked out of their homes. one was allowed to come home a while later but struggled with living with an un-supportive family. However the other friend was never allowed home, and is no longer talking to his family since he chose to serve a mission. It is extremely hard for him at times, and he has (at this point) lost many of the people he loves. But I have talked to him about it multiple times and I know he has absolutely no regrets because he knows this temporary state of pain and heartache on earth and he can see the eternal effects of making the choice to both join and live the gospel.

I believe the net represents missionaries when they are out in the field finding new investigators. I believe to be gathered into the net means those people who are being taught the gospel by the missionaries. The action of gathering the good into the vessels and casting out that bad is when the missionaries have to make the decision to continue to teach only those who are really interested in the gospel. It may not be easy, but there are times when you have to choose who is really serious about the gospel and focus on them only.

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