Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 4

Student Choice Assignment Week Three: Choice 3
Matthew 14:22-33
1. The first reaction of the apostles when they saw Christ walking on water was fear, because they did not know it was the savior, but thought it was a spirit.

2. Peter's response was interesting to me. In my opinion by asking the Lord to "bid me come unto the water" he was verifying the Lord's response. Part of me thinks this is wrong because Christ's "right hand man" should be able to identify him, however if it was night time, on the ocean during a storm, it may have been incredibly difficult for him to make out his physical appearance. So by asking him this, he know that if he did bid him to walk on the water he knew it was really Christ.

3. Peter began to sink because he looked away from Christ and allowed his fear of the waves overcome his faith in Christ's power.

4. Peter called out for Christ to save him (because he knew that he could) and it says that "immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand"

5. In D&C 88:67 the line that stood out to me was "your eye be single to my glory". In Peter's story of walking on water, it is easy to learn how quickly we can fall if we do not stay focused on Christ. As soon as Peter looked away he began to fall. That being said, it is also amazing how quickly the Lord can save us when we ask for his help. As soon as Peter called out to Him he was there to lift him up. In my own life, trials are usually much longer than just a few moments, but the principle is the same. If we stay focused of Christ we will not fall, however if we do, as soon as we call out for His help he will be there.

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