Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week 10

Choice 4
I especially love these examples of how Christ lead and taught the apostles to lead. I think there is a distinct difference in our church's leadership compared to others and the most obvious to the outside world is that our leaders to not get paid at all. Besides some minor training for some callings and talking to other's who have had the same calling, our leaders do not go to a special school or get a certain certificate. Our leaders are strictly volunteer, and I believe that because of that they are blessed with an increased love for whoever they are called to teach. 

I have had many examples of leaders who were Christ-like leaders. The one that comes to mind at this time is my current bishop of my home ward. Last week my grandfather passed away, the very next night our bishop and his wife came over to offer their condolences and talk with my family. He has been the bishop for our ward for 4 years now and I have countless memories of him dropping whatever he is doing to help ward members. He is a man who loves both young and old and will do whatever he can to help them. He is someone who can truly love a sinner and help quide them back to their Heavenly Father. All without any complaint or ask of anything in return.

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