Saturday, November 10, 2012

Week 8

  1. Review Mark 12:41–44 and the institute student manual commentary for Mark 12:41–44, “What Was the Significance of the Widow’s Gift?” (pg. 149). Write an explanation of how the widow lived what the Savior taught in Mark 12:28–30.
The widow lived the first commandment by giving all the she had for the Lord. The institute manual taught that the angels do not count quantity but quality. The Lord cares less about the amount we give but looks at the bigger picture and looks at all we have and judges based on how much of it we were willing to give. Although someone with millions may give a thousand, it is nothing compared to someone with one dollar who gives all. Just like a child who gives a small and usually meaningless gift, to that child it is all they have or something very important to them and it is something that they were willing to give away to someone they love. 
  1. Even though the widow gave less money than wealthier people gave, according to Mark 12:44, how much of what she had did she give? Write a paragraph describing what this teaches about what constitutes an acceptable offering to the Lord. How does 2 Nephi 25:23 apply to what the widow did?
I believe that the Lord is willing to except even the smallest donation as long as it comes from the heart and is given selflessly. The widows donation was greater than those of the wealthy because she was willing to give away all that she had for the Lord. This relates to n Nephi 25:23 because it is only after we do all that we can that the grace of Christ will save us. We must first be willing to work and sacrifice for him so that He will in turn be able to sacrifice for us.
  1. Write two or three sentences describing a way, aside from the donation of money, that you could better follow the widow’s example of sacrifice and obedience.
I think that one of the best ways to offer all that we have for the Lord is to fulfill our church callings. I think one great way to show you are willing to do anything for the Lord is to accept any calling he has for you and to do all that you can to try to better yourself and those you are called to serve.

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